Ik drink graag koffie.
Wat heet, ik ben verslaafd.
Ik drink koffie wel met suiker (steeds vaker nepsuiker want zelfs een Joli(e) moet op de pondjes letten tegenwoordig).
Melk voegde ik in het verleden alleen toe als het bruine goud van dusdanig slechte kwaliteit was dat de smaakpapillen wel een beschermend vetlaagje konden gebruiken. Vaak hielp dat niet. Aan automatendrab valt weinig te verbeteren. Grappig effect daarbij is nog dat het lijkt alsof de toevoeging van de melk de smaakcomponenten beter uit laat komen. Zo zal lekkere koffie nog lekkerder smaken met wat room terwijl slechte koffie er rare dingen mee doet.
Dat lijkt op verf.
Als je een donkere kleur voor je hebt maar je weet niet precies welke dan helpt het om er wit bij te doen. Ook kun je ermee achterhalen of je een blauw voor je hebt dat zweemt naar magenta of juist naar geel (erg belangrijk als je paars wilt maken bijvoorbeeld).
Mijn theorie is dus dat koffiemelk en witte verf een gelijkwaardig effect hebben.
Een belangrijke theorie.
Maar ik weet nog niet waar ze voor gebruikt zal worden.
Joli(e) is the Dutch conceptual fine artist, who renders the world with interactive electronic and mechanical computer art such as animations, videopieces and online art. Joli(e) regularly blogged left-winged stuff on Queer and Transgender activism and experimental art questions or just Life in general.
zaterdag, oktober 30
vrijdag, oktober 29
The last of the famous international playboys
Ik ben beroemd.
Kijk maar, ik ben hier geinterviewd.
En da's nog niet alles.
Hier ook al.
En dat komt allemaal in de krant.
Van Fabeltjesland.
De Faaaaaabeltjeskraaaaant.
Ik ben beroemd.
Kijk maar, ik ben hier geinterviewd.
En da's nog niet alles.
Hier ook al.
En dat komt allemaal in de krant.
Van Fabeltjesland.
De Faaaaaabeltjeskraaaaant.
woensdag, oktober 27
Bibberende Bijstanders
Natuurlijk ben ik een groot voorstander van de sociale voorzieningen (voorlopig) en is het waarlijk prachtig dat we in dit land de Bijstand kennen, maar nu ondergetekende zelve in de klauwen van dit papieren monster is gevallen, lijkt het een stuk minder sociaal.
Zo werd ik afgelopen maandag gebeld "dag mevrouw Ghianni, binnen een half uur komen wij bij u een huisbezoek afleggen." Ik was hier al enigszins op voorbereid vanwege een intake gesprek vorige week, maar toch bekroop me een naar gevoel. Waar is dat bezoek voor nodig? Het is mijn huis, mijn ruimte, mijn leven. Ik wil geen gewroet van mensen-die-niet-mijn-vrienden-zijn-en-die-ik-dus-ook-geen-wijntje-aan-ga-bieden in mijn privéplek.
Maar ja.
Ik kreeg bij hetzelfde gesprek een hele waslijst voorgelezen met alle kortingsmaatregelen die volgen als ik ergens niet aan meewerk - en ik heb nu al 2 maanden geen inkomen gehad maar wel alle rekeningen dus...
...dus liet ik de twee dames vriendelijk binnen.
Ze stonden wat onwennig in mijn gang, stelden geen vragen maar wilden alle kamers zien (mijn moeder noemt dat 'tandenborstels tellen'). Ik had ervoor gezorgd dat ik van mijn tweepersoonsbed 1 kussen had weggehaald en ook mijn elektrische tandenborstel was aan't gezicht onttrokken - ik achtte het wijselijk zoveel mogelijk luxe artikelen op te bergen, zoals mijn oude en mijn mooie nieuwe Mac - beiden klein genoeg om tussen mijn stapels slecht gevouwen handdoeken te verdwijnen.
De dames van de Bijstand bleven aldoor maar nerveus en spiekten rillend om zich heen in mijn huis. Heel snel al vertrokken ze weer met de mededeling dat ik snel bericht zou krijgen dat mijn uitkering zou worden aangevraagd alsmede het voorschot. Ik zwaaide ze verbaasd en vriendelijk uit, peinzend weer terugkerend naar mijn huiskamer. Wat was er toch aan de hand?
En toen viel mijn oog op deze poster:
Zou het kunnen dat de aanblik van deze beeldschone bekkende Marrokaanse jongens hen teveel werd?
Dat zou vreemd zijn.
Ze zijn toch lief?
Wie vindt dat nu niet mooi?
Zo werd ik afgelopen maandag gebeld "dag mevrouw Ghianni, binnen een half uur komen wij bij u een huisbezoek afleggen." Ik was hier al enigszins op voorbereid vanwege een intake gesprek vorige week, maar toch bekroop me een naar gevoel. Waar is dat bezoek voor nodig? Het is mijn huis, mijn ruimte, mijn leven. Ik wil geen gewroet van mensen-die-niet-mijn-vrienden-zijn-en-die-ik-dus-ook-geen-wijntje-aan-ga-bieden in mijn privéplek.
Maar ja.
Ik kreeg bij hetzelfde gesprek een hele waslijst voorgelezen met alle kortingsmaatregelen die volgen als ik ergens niet aan meewerk - en ik heb nu al 2 maanden geen inkomen gehad maar wel alle rekeningen dus...
...dus liet ik de twee dames vriendelijk binnen.
Ze stonden wat onwennig in mijn gang, stelden geen vragen maar wilden alle kamers zien (mijn moeder noemt dat 'tandenborstels tellen'). Ik had ervoor gezorgd dat ik van mijn tweepersoonsbed 1 kussen had weggehaald en ook mijn elektrische tandenborstel was aan't gezicht onttrokken - ik achtte het wijselijk zoveel mogelijk luxe artikelen op te bergen, zoals mijn oude en mijn mooie nieuwe Mac - beiden klein genoeg om tussen mijn stapels slecht gevouwen handdoeken te verdwijnen.
De dames van de Bijstand bleven aldoor maar nerveus en spiekten rillend om zich heen in mijn huis. Heel snel al vertrokken ze weer met de mededeling dat ik snel bericht zou krijgen dat mijn uitkering zou worden aangevraagd alsmede het voorschot. Ik zwaaide ze verbaasd en vriendelijk uit, peinzend weer terugkerend naar mijn huiskamer. Wat was er toch aan de hand?
En toen viel mijn oog op deze poster:
Zou het kunnen dat de aanblik van deze beeldschone bekkende Marrokaanse jongens hen teveel werd?
Dat zou vreemd zijn.
Ze zijn toch lief?
Wie vindt dat nu niet mooi?
zaterdag, oktober 23
Try this at home
I owe you still a post of everything that happened the last days of my San Francisco trip plus the stuff I did in London so I'll swap to English again. In the meanwhile I am passing my time on the web and doing home experiments like filtering water and trying to figure out if my food and drinks taste different.
It definitely looks different:
Left glass has tea in filtered water, resembling yellow.
Right glass is unfiltered water with the same tea, looking close to brown.
It took me a while to find the filter jugs here, because they are not very common in the Netherlands.
I'm going to make coffee now and try and spot the difference.
My life is so exciting.
It definitely looks different:
Left glass has tea in filtered water, resembling yellow.
Right glass is unfiltered water with the same tea, looking close to brown.
It took me a while to find the filter jugs here, because they are not very common in the Netherlands.
I'm going to make coffee now and try and spot the difference.
My life is so exciting.
vrijdag, oktober 22
Vandaag kreeg ik een bericht in mijn inbox dat mij meteen deed onderzoeken of ik snel even binnen 24 uur in Berlijn kon zijn.
Morgen vindt er het legendarische Wigstöckel plaats. Een must-see. Maar ik heb even genoeg van treinreizen en geld uitgeven dat ik eigenlijk niet heb.
De afgelopen weken verkeerde ik in een "constant vortex of timelapses" zoals ik het aan een vriend in Londen omschreef. Negen uur tijdverschil met San Francisco, 1 uur met Londen (heen en terug) en aanstaand weekeinde alweer wintertijd.
Houd het dan nooit eens op?
Berlijn ligt wel in de planning; het wordt waarschijnlijk het weekend van 20 november en ik heb al een logeeradresje bij 2 queers.
Handig zo'n netwerk van perverselingen.
Morgen vindt er het legendarische Wigstöckel plaats. Een must-see. Maar ik heb even genoeg van treinreizen en geld uitgeven dat ik eigenlijk niet heb.
De afgelopen weken verkeerde ik in een "constant vortex of timelapses" zoals ik het aan een vriend in Londen omschreef. Negen uur tijdverschil met San Francisco, 1 uur met Londen (heen en terug) en aanstaand weekeinde alweer wintertijd.
Houd het dan nooit eens op?
Berlijn ligt wel in de planning; het wordt waarschijnlijk het weekend van 20 november en ik heb al een logeeradresje bij 2 queers.
Handig zo'n netwerk van perverselingen.
dinsdag, oktober 19
San Francisco-Amsterdam-London-Bruxelles-Hoogvliet
In 5 dagen tijd was ik in 5 wereld steden.
Morgen ben ik op gesprek bij de sociale dienst Hoogvliet.
Ik heb een boeiend leven.
Morgen ben ik op gesprek bij de sociale dienst Hoogvliet.
Ik heb een boeiend leven.
vrijdag, oktober 15
Ik lijk wel gek.
Ik heb nog steeds last van jetlag, maar toch ga ik morgen voor 3 dagen naar Londen terwijl mijn ding met Turtle nog lang niet uitgepraat is.
Ik ga in Londen demonstreren en ook nog queer doen.
Ik hoop dat ik levend terug kom.
Ik heb nog steeds last van jetlag, maar toch ga ik morgen voor 3 dagen naar Londen terwijl mijn ding met Turtle nog lang niet uitgepraat is.
Ik ga in Londen demonstreren en ook nog queer doen.
Ik hoop dat ik levend terug kom.
dinsdag, oktober 12
Weer bij u
Ik ben weer terug in dit land.
En ik vind er geen reet aan.
Hier de laatste beelden.
De afgelopen twee weken in San Francisco waren erg zwaar. Met mij en Turtle ging het vaak rampzalig en dat heeft zo zijn schaduw over het een en ander heen geworpen. Ik heb me geen moment werkelijk ontspannen gevoeld. Maar de stad zelf zal ik vreselijk missen.
Als ik weer wakker ben, leg ik het uit.
Bedankt voor het lezen, blijf erbij en tot ziens.
En ik vind er geen reet aan.
Hier de laatste beelden.
De afgelopen twee weken in San Francisco waren erg zwaar. Met mij en Turtle ging het vaak rampzalig en dat heeft zo zijn schaduw over het een en ander heen geworpen. Ik heb me geen moment werkelijk ontspannen gevoeld. Maar de stad zelf zal ik vreselijk missen.
Als ik weer wakker ben, leg ik het uit.
Bedankt voor het lezen, blijf erbij en tot ziens.
zondag, oktober 10
zaterdag, oktober 9
Home is where the heart is
Only three more days untill I leave.
It's going to be a relief to be back in my own space again - my own room, my own dirty laundry, my own dishes and my own poo. I'll see my dear friends and all Dutch gender queers again (since there are only 20 in the country). But I'll go back to the restraint life, the social welfare, the paperwork, the greyness of the Dutch sky, the ever present system, the Dutch homogenousness, the lazy community that takes everything for granted, the pigeon holes, the carelessness and worse from all: the danger of becoming passive and boring myself. The Dutch culture is like a swamp that sucks you into an energyless black hole.
I don't want to go back.
Especially not since I have started to feel so comfy and excited here in SF (which has only increased with the number of wonderful people I've met). A lot has happened. Sometimes I was hit with fascination so heavily I could not speak. I blocked.
Now I'll give a little update on my adventures.
And look even more pictures of them. My plan to get a tattoo is postponed because I'd rather spend my money on getting a tablet (& scroll mouse) for my Mac powerbook. Computerstuff is much cheaper here than in the Netherlands.
-Tuesday: went to Golden Gate Park with Turtle. It's a cold day yet I find the park to be impressive and incredibly diverse. I love the variety of trees (in my next life i wanna be a sloth) and I adore the Japanese tea house. It's very chilly so we decide not to go to the buffalo's. We meet up with Max in her office and go and eat at house of Nanking. Yummy food, but my mouth swells and I feel exhausted. That night we go to Tranny Shack. The music rejuvinates me. I feel like I am finally in the queer spot I always was looking for. Turtle laughs at my dancing and bites me in the ear which makes my knees go weak. After the performances are done, part of my body is covered in glitter, fake blood, water and pussy liquor.
-Wednesday: I take a walk via Fort Mason towards the Exploratorium (it's free that day). It's totally my thing and I get inspiration for weird art - I stay untill closing time and try to reach Biting but she doesn't pick up the phone. I am exhausted again (every day at around 6 I seem to fade) but that evening Turtle and Max take me to Wet Wednesday at The Power Exchange. i am impressed with the size of the space and the variation of the play rooms - it feels like yet another Exploratorium! :-) But a kinky one... I love the electronic/Frankenstein room. I never played in public and there are too many people not playing and looking at us so i don't feel comfortable to do 'a first' here so I just walk around the spaces and socialize with the Deviant Girls and Cyrk_Vision and PeterPanzy. Afterwards Turtle and Max take me to a typical American diner. Real maple syrup and pancakes enter my stomach. Yum. (Note to reader: please send me maple syrup when I get back to the Netherlands).
-Thursday: this day there's an angel on my shoulder. I am going to attend a class at the CCA but ofcourse i can't get in, yet I bump into Mel who has a key. The class and the lecture is great and is about one of my very favourite artists, Marcel Duchamp, in connection with a great crazy artists i had not heard of, Tim Hawkinson. I feel in my element and decide I reall, really, really wanna go do my masters at the CCA. Afterwards I look for the dean of graduate admissions, she's not in, but I run into her assistent who remembered me from the information night. She answers my questions about finances and is very helpful and a nice personal contact since she is a CCA graduate herself. After that I start feeling tired again but manage to meet up with Turtle and the über cool Jen in Samowar. At home I eat Turtles delicious pasta (how did zie make that exquisite white sauce?) and I crash on the couch but can't sleep. the day is not over yet: with max I go to Cellspace - awsome space and an awsome street art show. After that I meet up with Jonee (who i had not seen in 4 years since we both left Boston) and i meet his girlfriend April who is a very smart and curious girl. It's a lovely, lovely night and Max and me talk about America. When at home I receive an email in my inbox from a friend at UK indymedia - she tells me about the FBI obscuring Indymedia servers all over the world. I can't believe it and start doubting my eyes and brain so I tell Max. We browse the internet in search of more information. It's true - some Indymedia sites are down.
Today I confirmed my Continental Airlines flights and did laundry.
It's sunny.
I am happy.
I don't want to leave.
It's going to be a relief to be back in my own space again - my own room, my own dirty laundry, my own dishes and my own poo. I'll see my dear friends and all Dutch gender queers again (since there are only 20 in the country). But I'll go back to the restraint life, the social welfare, the paperwork, the greyness of the Dutch sky, the ever present system, the Dutch homogenousness, the lazy community that takes everything for granted, the pigeon holes, the carelessness and worse from all: the danger of becoming passive and boring myself. The Dutch culture is like a swamp that sucks you into an energyless black hole.
I don't want to go back.
Especially not since I have started to feel so comfy and excited here in SF (which has only increased with the number of wonderful people I've met). A lot has happened. Sometimes I was hit with fascination so heavily I could not speak. I blocked.
Now I'll give a little update on my adventures.
And look even more pictures of them. My plan to get a tattoo is postponed because I'd rather spend my money on getting a tablet (& scroll mouse) for my Mac powerbook. Computerstuff is much cheaper here than in the Netherlands.
-Tuesday: went to Golden Gate Park with Turtle. It's a cold day yet I find the park to be impressive and incredibly diverse. I love the variety of trees (in my next life i wanna be a sloth) and I adore the Japanese tea house. It's very chilly so we decide not to go to the buffalo's. We meet up with Max in her office and go and eat at house of Nanking. Yummy food, but my mouth swells and I feel exhausted. That night we go to Tranny Shack. The music rejuvinates me. I feel like I am finally in the queer spot I always was looking for. Turtle laughs at my dancing and bites me in the ear which makes my knees go weak. After the performances are done, part of my body is covered in glitter, fake blood, water and pussy liquor.
-Wednesday: I take a walk via Fort Mason towards the Exploratorium (it's free that day). It's totally my thing and I get inspiration for weird art - I stay untill closing time and try to reach Biting but she doesn't pick up the phone. I am exhausted again (every day at around 6 I seem to fade) but that evening Turtle and Max take me to Wet Wednesday at The Power Exchange. i am impressed with the size of the space and the variation of the play rooms - it feels like yet another Exploratorium! :-) But a kinky one... I love the electronic/Frankenstein room. I never played in public and there are too many people not playing and looking at us so i don't feel comfortable to do 'a first' here so I just walk around the spaces and socialize with the Deviant Girls and Cyrk_Vision and PeterPanzy. Afterwards Turtle and Max take me to a typical American diner. Real maple syrup and pancakes enter my stomach. Yum. (Note to reader: please send me maple syrup when I get back to the Netherlands).
-Thursday: this day there's an angel on my shoulder. I am going to attend a class at the CCA but ofcourse i can't get in, yet I bump into Mel who has a key. The class and the lecture is great and is about one of my very favourite artists, Marcel Duchamp, in connection with a great crazy artists i had not heard of, Tim Hawkinson. I feel in my element and decide I reall, really, really wanna go do my masters at the CCA. Afterwards I look for the dean of graduate admissions, she's not in, but I run into her assistent who remembered me from the information night. She answers my questions about finances and is very helpful and a nice personal contact since she is a CCA graduate herself. After that I start feeling tired again but manage to meet up with Turtle and the über cool Jen in Samowar. At home I eat Turtles delicious pasta (how did zie make that exquisite white sauce?) and I crash on the couch but can't sleep. the day is not over yet: with max I go to Cellspace - awsome space and an awsome street art show. After that I meet up with Jonee (who i had not seen in 4 years since we both left Boston) and i meet his girlfriend April who is a very smart and curious girl. It's a lovely, lovely night and Max and me talk about America. When at home I receive an email in my inbox from a friend at UK indymedia - she tells me about the FBI obscuring Indymedia servers all over the world. I can't believe it and start doubting my eyes and brain so I tell Max. We browse the internet in search of more information. It's true - some Indymedia sites are down.
Today I confirmed my Continental Airlines flights and did laundry.
It's sunny.
I am happy.
I don't want to leave.
vrijdag, oktober 8
The World
So much stuff has happened in the past days; it's been like a mad roller coaster ride, but a good onje.
I just met up with Jonee who I haven't seen in 4 years... i feel giggly and drunk in a happy way.
Here's more pictures for you to gaze at and be amazed about.
Soon I'll tell the stories behind them.
Tomorrow I am going to see sequoias!
(Big trees).
But what I feel everyone should know is the big, big bad news I just received in my mailbox.
It fucking sucks!!!
I just met up with Jonee who I haven't seen in 4 years... i feel giggly and drunk in a happy way.
Here's more pictures for you to gaze at and be amazed about.
Soon I'll tell the stories behind them.
Tomorrow I am going to see sequoias!
(Big trees).
But what I feel everyone should know is the big, big bad news I just received in my mailbox.
It fucking sucks!!!
dinsdag, oktober 5
Golden Gate Wind
The picture below is me on a boat (Bay Cruise) and my face looks troubled because of the heavy wind - the ship is heading for the Golden Gate Bridge :-)
Past days: Visited the CCA and saw it was the perfect art school for me with the perfect programm the perfect teachers the perfect students the perfect facilities but... totally unaffordable.
Did laundry at a laundromat (you know: with those huge American dryers in which three Joli(e)s can fit). Went shopping at Clothes Contact (2nd hand) where Turtle picked me the perfect outfit and taught me how to look hip (Max: "the belly sticking out is extra sexy points"). Had a big conflict later that day because they thought I was not happy here; I couldn't express I was still in culture shock and overwhelmed with all the activity here. The atmosfere turned sour but we went to the woman's bathouse 'Osento' and felt very good and relaxed afterwards. Just what we needed.
Saturday: got up at noon, did some computerstuff, went to El Rio for the 'Karma' gender performances night and I bit Michelle in the urinals. Afterwards we had dinner in a scary and yellow looking Mexican burrito place. We went up to Talia's incredible house and had a great laugh untill we all peed in our pants. I went home with Michelle and slept over. On sunday Michelle took me out for breakfast on her Harley motorcycle. Went home again. Cuddled a lot with Turtle, even though zie says zie never cuddles. Went to see the Castro streetfair. Met up with Mim and Reverend Michel. Had a lovely peaceful time in the teahouse and walked some more on the Castro where I had a greasy pizza. That evening Turtle, Max and I went to see the movie 'Sky Captain' which is all computer generated backgrounds - magical, so Metropolis!
Monday: went to Fisherman's Wharf. The Alcatraz tours were sold out for the day so i went on a bay cruise (picture). It was really nice except for the annoying, loud and stupid tourists. Monday night I had a date with Ari (he's so hot); we mainly ended up doing very silly things like impersonating people we know and leaving a trail of puzzling funny messages to friends and... we found a chair in the street with wheels - so we drove each other up and down the hills to Ari's house while homeless people looked at us as if we were even crazier than they are. Hours of pure authentic fun!
Today Turtle is taking me to the Exploratorium - I am looking forward to being alone with zir again.
Wanna see more pictures?
Go here.
It's page 3 already.
On monday I sent the post cards to everyone, so keep your eye on the mailbox!
Past days: Visited the CCA and saw it was the perfect art school for me with the perfect programm the perfect teachers the perfect students the perfect facilities but... totally unaffordable.
Did laundry at a laundromat (you know: with those huge American dryers in which three Joli(e)s can fit). Went shopping at Clothes Contact (2nd hand) where Turtle picked me the perfect outfit and taught me how to look hip (Max: "the belly sticking out is extra sexy points"). Had a big conflict later that day because they thought I was not happy here; I couldn't express I was still in culture shock and overwhelmed with all the activity here. The atmosfere turned sour but we went to the woman's bathouse 'Osento' and felt very good and relaxed afterwards. Just what we needed.
Saturday: got up at noon, did some computerstuff, went to El Rio for the 'Karma' gender performances night and I bit Michelle in the urinals. Afterwards we had dinner in a scary and yellow looking Mexican burrito place. We went up to Talia's incredible house and had a great laugh untill we all peed in our pants. I went home with Michelle and slept over. On sunday Michelle took me out for breakfast on her Harley motorcycle. Went home again. Cuddled a lot with Turtle, even though zie says zie never cuddles. Went to see the Castro streetfair. Met up with Mim and Reverend Michel. Had a lovely peaceful time in the teahouse and walked some more on the Castro where I had a greasy pizza. That evening Turtle, Max and I went to see the movie 'Sky Captain' which is all computer generated backgrounds - magical, so Metropolis!
Monday: went to Fisherman's Wharf. The Alcatraz tours were sold out for the day so i went on a bay cruise (picture). It was really nice except for the annoying, loud and stupid tourists. Monday night I had a date with Ari (he's so hot); we mainly ended up doing very silly things like impersonating people we know and leaving a trail of puzzling funny messages to friends and... we found a chair in the street with wheels - so we drove each other up and down the hills to Ari's house while homeless people looked at us as if we were even crazier than they are. Hours of pure authentic fun!
Today Turtle is taking me to the Exploratorium - I am looking forward to being alone with zir again.
Wanna see more pictures?
Go here.
It's page 3 already.
On monday I sent the post cards to everyone, so keep your eye on the mailbox!
maandag, oktober 4
zaterdag, oktober 2
Mental notes
There are too many interesting people here in this one city. It's a magnet.
For example this photographer is just awsome.
I bought a photo of him. He's a typical example of a gender queer person: has been gay all his life but met a lesbian this year. They did an artproject together and now... they are lovers! She calls him 'my wife' and that's just wonderful.
The bad thing is they get turned away from lesbian (and supposedly) tranny-friendly events, but this week Turtle and Max have taken action and forced a public apology out of a woman who organises these events.
Now that's activism.
I'm extremely lucky to see these wonderful people do it up close and I'm taking mental notes.
Europe has a long way to go.
For example this photographer is just awsome.
I bought a photo of him. He's a typical example of a gender queer person: has been gay all his life but met a lesbian this year. They did an artproject together and now... they are lovers! She calls him 'my wife' and that's just wonderful.
The bad thing is they get turned away from lesbian (and supposedly) tranny-friendly events, but this week Turtle and Max have taken action and forced a public apology out of a woman who organises these events.
Now that's activism.
I'm extremely lucky to see these wonderful people do it up close and I'm taking mental notes.
Europe has a long way to go.
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