zaterdag, oktober 9

Home is where the heart is

Only three more days untill I leave.
It's going to be a relief to be back in my own space again - my own room, my own dirty laundry, my own dishes and my own poo. I'll see my dear friends and all Dutch gender queers again (since there are only 20 in the country). But I'll go back to the restraint life, the social welfare, the paperwork, the greyness of the Dutch sky, the ever present system, the Dutch homogenousness, the lazy community that takes everything for granted, the pigeon holes, the carelessness and worse from all: the danger of becoming passive and boring myself. The Dutch culture is like a swamp that sucks you into an energyless black hole.
I don't want to go back.
Especially not since I have started to feel so comfy and excited here in SF (which has only increased with the number of wonderful people I've met). A lot has happened. Sometimes I was hit with fascination so heavily I could not speak. I blocked.
Now I'll give a little update on my adventures.
imgAnd look even more pictures of them. My plan to get a tattoo is postponed because I'd rather spend my money on getting a tablet (& scroll mouse) for my Mac powerbook. Computerstuff is much cheaper here than in the Netherlands.
-Tuesday: went to Golden Gate Park with Turtle. It's a cold day yet I find the park to be impressive and incredibly diverse. I love the variety of trees (in my next life i wanna be a sloth) and I adore the Japanese tea house. It's very chilly so we decide not to go to the buffalo's. We meet up with Max in her office and go and eat at house of Nanking. Yummy food, but my mouth swells and I feel exhausted. That night we go to Tranny Shack. The music rejuvinates me. I feel like I am finally in the queer spot I always was looking for. Turtle laughs at my dancing and bites me in the ear which makes my knees go weak. After the performances are done, part of my body is covered in glitter, fake blood, water and pussy liquor.
-Wednesday: I take a walk via Fort Mason towards the Exploratorium (it's free that day). It's totally my thing and I get inspiration for weird art - I stay untill closing time and try to reach Biting but she doesn't pick up the phone. I am exhausted again (every day at around 6 I seem to fade) but that evening Turtle and Max take me to Wet Wednesday at The Power Exchange. i am impressed with the size of the space and the variation of the play rooms - it feels like yet another Exploratorium! :-) But a kinky one... I love the electronic/Frankenstein room. I never played in public and there are too many people not playing and looking at us so i don't feel comfortable to do 'a first' here so I just walk around the spaces and socialize with the Deviant Girls and Cyrk_Vision and PeterPanzy. Afterwards Turtle and Max take me to a typical American diner. Real maple syrup and pancakes enter my stomach. Yum. (Note to reader: please send me maple syrup when I get back to the Netherlands).
-Thursday: this day there's an angel on my shoulder. I am going to attend a class at the CCA but ofcourse i can't get in, yet I bump into Mel who has a key. The class and the lecture is great and is about one of my very favourite artists, Marcel Duchamp, in connection with a great crazy artists i had not heard of, Tim Hawkinson. I feel in my element and decide I reall, really, really wanna go do my masters at the CCA. Afterwards I look for the dean of graduate admissions, she's not in, but I run into her assistent who remembered me from the information night. She answers my questions about finances and is very helpful and a nice personal contact since she is a CCA graduate herself. After that I start feeling tired again but manage to meet up with Turtle and the über cool Jen in Samowar. At home I eat Turtles delicious pasta (how did zie make that exquisite white sauce?) and I crash on the couch but can't sleep. the day is not over yet: with max I go to Cellspace - awsome space and an awsome street art show. After that I meet up with Jonee (who i had not seen in 4 years since we both left Boston) and i meet his girlfriend April who is a very smart and curious girl. It's a lovely, lovely night and Max and me talk about America. When at home I receive an email in my inbox from a friend at UK indymedia - she tells me about the FBI obscuring Indymedia servers all over the world. I can't believe it and start doubting my eyes and brain so I tell Max. We browse the internet in search of more information. It's true - some Indymedia sites are down.
Today I confirmed my Continental Airlines flights and did laundry.
It's sunny.
I am happy.
I don't want to leave.