Past days: Visited the CCA and saw it was the perfect art school for me with the perfect programm the perfect teachers the perfect students the perfect facilities but... totally unaffordable.
Did laundry at a laundromat (you know: with those huge American dryers in which three Joli(e)s can fit). Went shopping at Clothes Contact (2nd hand) where Turtle picked me the perfect outfit and taught me how to look hip (Max: "the belly sticking out is extra sexy points"). Had a big conflict later that day because they thought I was not happy here; I couldn't express I was still in culture shock and overwhelmed with all the activity here. The atmosfere turned sour but we went to the woman's bathouse 'Osento' and felt very good and relaxed afterwards. Just what we needed.
Saturday: got up at noon, did some computerstuff, went to El Rio for the 'Karma' gender performances night and I bit Michelle in the urinals. Afterwards we had dinner in a scary and yellow looking Mexican burrito place. We went up to Talia's incredible house and had a great laugh untill we all peed in our pants. I went home with Michelle and slept over. On sunday Michelle took me out for breakfast on her Harley motorcycle. Went home again. Cuddled a lot with Turtle, even though zie says zie never cuddles. Went to see the Castro streetfair. Met up with Mim and Reverend Michel. Had a lovely peaceful time in the teahouse and walked some more on the Castro where I had a greasy pizza. That evening Turtle, Max and I went to see the movie 'Sky Captain' which is all computer generated backgrounds - magical, so Metropolis!
Monday: went to Fisherman's Wharf. The Alcatraz tours were sold out for the day so i went on a bay cruise (picture). It was really nice except for the annoying, loud and stupid tourists. Monday night I had a date with Ari (he's so hot); we mainly ended up doing very silly things like impersonating people we know and leaving a trail of puzzling funny messages to friends and... we found a chair in the street with wheels - so we drove each other up and down the hills to Ari's house while homeless people looked at us as if we were even crazier than they are. Hours of pure authentic fun!
Today Turtle is taking me to the Exploratorium - I am looking forward to being alone with zir again.
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On monday I sent the post cards to everyone, so keep your eye on the mailbox!